Mr. Q, the master chef and my agent at arms, went fishing yesterday as he usually does on Mondays. He reports the fishing was tough. It seems his "trout" would only take very small flies and ignore all else. Even then, the catching was most difficult despite it being a warm December day.
Was it a success? Yes, and here's the proof. It took a size #22 midge tied by the Q hisself.
So you may be wondering what its like to be a chef and a trout fisherman. While I am speculating, I do watch the man while he fishes, and I see the frustration on his face. He hooks and lands a nice trout, and while it hangs in his landing net the internal struggle begins......."Do I keep it? Douse it in egg and then cover it in flour. Lay it in a simmering bath of melted butter, diced onions and some minced garlic? How good would that be with some rosemary roasted red potatoes and a tall glass of Guinness?"
He looks around to see if anyone is watching. He looks at the hapless trout curled in his net, one eye seeing through his soul, and then thinks, "No, he must go back to fight another day."
"Maybe not, I haven't had fresh trout in ages."
Then he comes to his senses and realizes he is in the Gorge and must release his catch, or suffer the consequences of knowing he kept a fish where that is not permitted.....or maybe he just realized the trout is a pellet fed, hatchery version of the real thing that no matter how magical his cooking is, would still taste like wet cardboard.
He releases the fish to fight another day.
Nice job Mr. Q.
I hate the taste of trout. They all go back and there is NO internal struggle, but it makes for a nice story. Where are the pumpkin heads you promised me, maybe that is why my drab midges got so many refusals!!!!! Or it could be I am a BAD fish catcher...
Oh yeah, 15" or bigger in the gorge and one fish, if you like to kill 'em.....
Mr. Q, are we to assume then that the faces you make when preparing to release a trout are not a life or death struggle, but another case of gas from your food?
The pumpkin heads are in my car and you shall have them this evening when I come by your establishment for my free drinks.....another day older. :(
Definitely GAS from someones cooking....who I do not know. And anyway, what faces, I think you should take a picture of my face next time and share. Maybe it will resemble one of those pumpkin heads....
Nice story.
I don't eat trout but that recipe does sound mighty good. Or maybe it's just the Guinness. Happy B-day
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