This is a most versatile pattern as you can just change the throax color and hook size to imitate all of the different mayflies in their emergent state.
It's one of my go-to patterns all year 'round. Tie some up for the fall on a size #12 hook, with a reddish brown dubbed thorax - this imiates the Slate Drake (Isonychia) quite well.
And sharpen your hooks! You'll catch more fish.
looks killer
Thats a beautiful soft hackle. What was the hackle clamp you used in the video? My hackle clamp stinks and I would like to try one like yours.
What a fantastic video tutorial, Matt. And a pleasure to watch your sublime thread control...
Wonderful stuff.
Jimmy - It's called a plunger clip and is used for electrical apps.
Outstanding video! Excellent demonstration of many techniques being beautifully executed. Well done. Thank you.
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