The river was clear as air, low, and a cold 40 degrees. Every rock, stone and stick on the bottom could be seen. When you looked carefully in the deeper, protected flows, quite a few trout could be seen.
Here's the bearded lad nymphing a fast run below a long, smooth pool.
And here's one of the wild browns I caught. This one took a scud, as did all the others with the exception of one that took a black zebra midge.
And here's the scud that worked so well. It's a simple tie; olive/gray fur with some clear antron mixed in, and a gold wire rib. Easy and very effective.
At one point, while Mr. Q fished, I stood above him on the top of the bank overlooking the pool listening to him tell me about a mutual acquaintance of ours. After he finished his story, I commented that the guy seemed pretty weird.
Mr. Q turned and shouted back at me, "We're all weird!"
"What the hell is it when we spend an evening sitting at a vise under a light tying flies with feathers and fur to catch fish on?" .........."THAT'S f&%#ing weird!"
Then he hooked a fish on a fly he had tied.............
To each his own. I'll take our weird over other weirds anyday.
Here's to a prosperous 2011 to all!
And sharpen those hooks.
actually when you really look at it; sitting at a vise imitating insects to predate on a form of nourishment, is as normal as life should be.....should I retact my previous statement?
It's no weirder than hitting a little white ball with a club down a manicured lawn only to find it and hit it again until you get it in a little hole...and then you start over again at the next tee.
Oh, crap, I do that, too!
Well, I think that just ruins a good walk that could be taken by a river with some of those furry little hooks.
Not to spot burn, but is this pic on the Musky? Its not often I think I recognize a pool from a picture.
If it is the one I am thinking of, I was skunked there.
Sure, That is where it is!!!!
Jimmy, it's the South Branch of the Raritan near the KLG.
Sorry Jimmy,
I have a smart mouth...and sometimes can't keep it shut...
I guess it makes me feel a touch better!
"not everything about fishing is noble and reasonable and sane...Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it, all of it, the good, the awful, the joyous, and the miserable, the comic, the embarrassing, the tragic and the sorrowful."
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