Conditions continue to be hot (today it reached 91F) and relatively rain free. The rivers are very low and reaching the mid 70'sF everyday. Needless to say, fishing is on hold until who knows when. So not being one to sit around, I've been spending a fair amount of time trying to hit a little white, dimpled ball straight and at pre-determined distances with the hope of putting it in a little hole in the ground. Looks easier than it is.
I've also been tying flies. Here's my extended body Light Cahill/Cream Drake. In a prior post you saw the well-chewed version. This is the new car smelling, fresh off the vise version. It's very effective and easy to tie.......three materials.
And here's my Yellow Sally, complete with egg-sac. Essentially, it's a small stimulator minus the tail and with a bright orange ball at the end of the abdomen. I tie it with Whiting hackle that has been dyed straw. Looks yummie, and best of all, the trout think so. Hopefully, I can fish them a little more this summer before they all hatch and before you know it, it's Autumn.
Sharpen those hooks!