Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nothing is Free in This World - Pay U.S. Now or Pay U.S. Later

New Jersey saltwater anglers to be fined $300 if they fail to sign up for FREE registry...........

Recreational fishing advocates who won a fight to keep saltwater fishing free in New Jersey got a surprise this week, with new state rules that decree a $300 fine for those who don’t sign up for the new registry of ocean anglers.

“It’s outrageous to put in a fine system. It’s totally vindictive. They’re going to be chasing people down and writing tickets,” complained Jim Donofrio of the Recreational Fishing Alliance, an activist group that fought off moves to impose a paid saltwater fishing license.

Read all about it here: Asbury Park Press


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of poo. That's our gubment trying to make as much $$$$ as they can suck out of us. If I get a ticket, let me say..... I will be adding to my chum bucket....

Anonymous said...

Pulllease. Somebody has got to pay for management and administration of the license! You should pay for the license like everybody else does because license sales support enforcement and management. The "free" license was and is a horrible idea. I hope they send out a million tickets. Mr. Donofrio is a moron - he'll get his eventually. RFA is in serious financial trouble because Jimmy can't quit sexually harassing the help. That's where your RFA membership dollars go....