Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Brief Report

Got out on the water the last two nights and had a great evening Thursday, and a so-so evening last night.  The water in these parts is still relatively cool for this time of the year, and the fish and bugs are acting accordingly.  The bugs are not hatching well, and so the trout are not doing much surface feeding.

I'm off to to PA to play some golf for a change, so here's a few pictures I took last evening.  I'll post a more thorough report later this weekend.

A large crayfish was keeping an eye on me while I fished.

The South Branch of the Raritan River in all its spring glory.

 A pupal shuck from a freshly hatched Hydropsyche - Speckled Caddis

It's supposed to rain all this coming week, so get out and fish this weekend, and shapren those hooks. 

1 comment:

Micah said...

Nice pics!

I was just getting caught up - like your caddis. Nice and clean looking.

Think I'm going to try to make an NJ run in July...Watch out!