Sunday, April 20, 2014

Only Caught One Today

I managed to get out late this afternoon and although there were lots of Hendricksons, Stoneflies and caddis hatching, very few fish were rising to them. Vinnie found a pod of fish rising down river from me, and he caught a bunch of fish on emergers, but the water I was working was pretty quiet. Just when I decided to head down stream, a fish rose along the rocky bank across from me.  A few minutes later, it rose again, so I cut off the nymph I was fishing, added a fresh piece of 5X tippet to my leader, and tied on a size #12 Hendrickson Usual.  After taking a cast away from my target to make sure my leader and fly would land on the water properly, I cast the fly so it landed about 2 feet above where I last saw the fish rise.  The fly drifted maybe a foot before the fish pounced on it.  After a good tussle, I netted this amazing wild brown trout.

After this quick photo op, I dropped the net back down with the fish facing into the current and it swam out of my net and quickly disappeared in the dark depths of the run.  Check out the size of the tail on this beast.

Sharpen our hooks.              


CMartino said...

We'll have to twist Vinne's arm tonight, to find out where you were!


Anonymous said...

I would like to know where Vinnie was fishing!

Mr. Q said...

That fish looks like the twin of one you caught last year.....

Matt Grobert said...

Vinnie was fishing above the gorge and below the ball fields in Califon.

Matt Grobert said...

Mr. Q - I think that is the same fish as last year, only a little bigger. He was about 30-40 yards downstream of where I caught him last year.

LittleJ said...


Daniel said...

If you were only going to catch one, that would be the one to catch for sure. :D