Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meet the Hendricksons/Ephemerellas

Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions sent us this very cool under water video of mostly hendrickson nymphs, and a few other Genus Ephemerella nymphs.  The hendrickson nymphs, Ephemerella subvaria, are easily identified by the three light, mid-abdominal segments, and two dark bands on the tibia of each leg.  The end of the film give us a water's edge view of an adult male hendrickson -  a red quill to us fly fishermen.

Meet the Hendricksons from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.

Neat stuff, and Tim tells us that he intends to take aquatic insect samples from the South Branch of the Raritan River on a weekly basis and photograph them.  Something to look forward to, look for updates here in the coming weeks.

Thanks Tim, we look forward to more great shots.


Allen Landheer said...

What a great video Matt some fantastic insight as to how these insects live and evolve.

Micah said...

Nice! Does Tim have a website?

Anonymous said...

After watching that, I can't understand why the fish eat my poorly tied nymphs....great video!@

Matt Grobert said...

@ MIcah - Click on the link under the video to get to his site.
@Anon - Two things: Your nymphs are probably tied just fine; and, fortunately for all of us, nature gave trout a will to survive that far exceeds it's abilty to see imperfections in our offerings.