The International Fly Tying Symposium was a good time last weekend. Saw lots of friends and my presentations were well attended. As usual, I learned all kinds of stuff from fellow tyers and attendees. One of the coolest things was a streamer that Chris DelPlato tied that imitates a black-nosed dace - a minnow that is very common in trout streams that is a favorite food of larger trout and other fish. This thing looked about as real as the real thing when wet! And as is one of the best things about flies like this, it's fairly simple to tie - you don't have to be a master tyer to crank them out. Chris, you got it just right with this one - color, shape, depth and the essence of the natural - very practical and efficient tie. I wish I had a picture to post here. If you're reading this CD, email me one and I'll put it up...........very nice.
We have about 20 people coming over today for dinner - family and friends. Karen's preparing some things now, I'll make a ham and my mashed potatoes. Everyone else is bringing something either for dinner or dessert. When I'm done with this, I'll go outside and cut some firewood and blow the driveway and front walk of leaves and sticks that came down this week in the rain. On second thought, I'll wake up Hunt - my 20 year old son - and have him blow the driveway and walk. I think he came home last night............
So here's something very cool. We sent this exploring satellite named Cassini out into the deep dark of space and it's been hanging out around Saturn. It sent back this pic of Enceladus perched over the vast rings of Saturn. Beautiful stuff, huh? Enceladus is very small - about 310 miles across - about the east-west width of Pennsylvania. It's also very cold, something like minus 200 degrees celsius and covered with ice - it reflects almost 100% of the suns light that hits it.
Got to run, the woods is calling me. Enjoy your turkey and those you share it with - if you're in the US of A, or if not, just have a great day and smile at someone you don't know.
Life if good. Be glad you're not a turkey.